Global Impact: Anti-Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Ministry
Hello November 17th, 2023
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Women, men, and children are being exploited and abused daily in every country around the world. The latest global estimates reported in 2022 show that human trafficking has increased by nearly 10 million people in the last five years, according to the International Labour Organization, Walk Free, and the International Organization for Migration. Even though the statistics are overwhelming, we believe that hope is not lost. The Tim Tebow Foundation is committed to advancing this fight for the millions who have been trafficked, exploited or who are at risk of becoming victims.
Through direct services as well as partnerships with 12 other ministries, we are currently fighting against human trafficking and child exploitation around the world. The foundation currently operates 5 safe homes, and partners in 23 more, with 27 additional homes in progress to support survivors as they heal and transition to a life of freedom.
Our team and partners have taken significant steps in our fight against human trafficking in the last year through our three-part approach. By increasing awareness and education toward prevention, rescue, and providing care and support systems for survivors, TTF has been able to impact the lives of many around the globe while also sharing the transformational truth of the Gospel.

We are dedicated to ending the cycle of human trafficking and child exploitation before it begins through prevention with education, training, and advocacy.
- Alongside several of our ministry partners, we are able to fight against human trafficking and child exploitation by training law enforcement and military around the world to identify and respond to this crime type. From January to September 2023, 5,940 law enforcement were trained across the globe. By educating communities on this prevalent issue, more can join the mission to end this evil.
We are actively responding to this crisis by partnering with those executing physical rescue missions and those providing for the immediate needs of survivors.
- One of our counter human trafficking partners works in 8 countries supporting law enforcement efforts that create sustainable change by providing training and technical expertise that focus on the identification and rescue of victims and arrest of perpetrators. From January to August of 2023, these efforts resulted in 353 interdictions (attempted or high-risk trafficking victims) and rescues (trafficked victims). These teams supported other law enforcement agencies in the arrests of 238 perpetrators.
- Millions of vulnerable adults and children are forced into labor trafficking around the world. Alongside our partner, International Justice Mission, we are currently able to rescue and bring restoration to survivors in Ghana, Myanmar, and Cambodia. In these three countries from January to June of 2023, 34 victims were rescued, 15 perpetrators were restrained, and 23 survivors graduated from IJM’s aftercare program.
- War, persecution, and political upheaval force communities to flee the comfort and security of their homes, to live a life on the run filled with uncertainty and constant danger. Our partner provides critical resources and stability to these individuals and families to bring healing and offset the trauma from crisis and conflict currently in Ukraine, India, and Turkey. More than 20,000 internally displaced people were served from January to September of 2023.
- Individuals around the world are facing persecution and imminent danger as a result of their faith. Our partner works with countries to identify these individuals and families who need relocation, resources, and support. From January to August of 2023, there have been 83 recovery and extractions.
- Almost two years ago, INTERCEPT (Inter-agency Child Exploitation and Persons Trafficking Task Force) was launched through our partner, Operation Light Shine. Each INTERCEPT task force is made up of highly skilled operators, technology, and the necessary relationships to rescue child victims, hunt those perpetrating evil, and pursue justice. With Operation Light Shine, we have been able to support the formation and launch of four new INTERCEPT Task Forces across the United States, including Northeast Florida, Southwest Florida, Central Virginia, and Northern Maryland. These four locations mirror the first successful task force model that we helped support in Middle Tennessee. From January to October of 2023, 53 children were rescued across these locations, and 54 perpetrators were arrested.
- Through our work in Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation and our close relationships with law enforcement, this year we learned that the videos and images of more than 50,000 unidentified children being abused, raped, and tortured are sitting in a global law enforcement database. These crime scene images, known as CSAM – child sexual abuse material, contain clues that could help locate and protect these children. In response to this growing issue across the world, we launched a global victim identification operation alongside domestic and international law enforcement comprised of experts from around the world that use technology and resources to quickly identify and rescue children who are being sexually exploited online.
- This summer, Homeland Security Investigations led the launch of “Operation Renewed Hope,” alongside Interpol and working together with the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation. This successful 3-week surge operation was the first US-based, multi-national collaboration resulting in 311 probable identifications of previously unknown victims of child sexual abuse and several confirmed victim rescues from active abuse.

We are deeply committed to supporting survivors’ long-term recovery through communities of care, providing them with tools for physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual healing.
- Her Song, a ministry of TTF, provides long-term residential care and trauma-informed programming to help survivors heal and become self-sufficient. Through a holistic approach, skilled and compassionate staff members guide each woman on her journey to healing and freedom. Her Song currently operates five safe homes across Florida, Ohio, and Tennessee with the capacity to serve 23 women. From October 2022 to October 2023, Her Song provided care coordination for 951 survivors, provided 5,725 safe nights to survivors and saw an amazing 14 professions of faith across all locations. In addition to survivor care, Her Song served 1,639 victims through outreach on the streets, in jails, and other locations where staff seek to meet victims where they’re at in their greatest hour of need.
- At Compassionate Hope Tebow Village of Hope, children who are survivors of online child exploitation are cared for emotionally, physically, and spiritually. These homes provide a safe, nurturing environment for children to find hope and healing through holistic care and community. This year, 55 children were served at our Philippines campuses. In addition, four survivors graduated high school. Construction recently started on a new Compassionate Hope Tebow Village of Hope located near Bangkok, Thailand, which is one of the largest epicenters of human trafficking and exploitation in the world. The first two homes built in the village will have the capacity to serve up to 32 children—16 in each home—who are in need of hope and healing. When completed, this new campus will mirror the existing villages in the Philippines.
- The TTF Protection Center, built in partnership with Rapha International, will be opening in early 2024. Located in Thailand, this campus will provide holistic care for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation who need elevated protection from their traffickers. The TTF Protection Center will be able to provide protection for up to 60 survivors every year by implementing specialized security. In addition to elevated protection, each survivor will also receive Gospel-centered holistic care under the guidance of trauma-informed staff. In addition to the TTF Protection Center, we are supporting the operation of five safe homes in Thailand and four safe homes in Cambodia with Rapha International.
- With Okoa Refuge, we are opening a third gender-based violence shelter in Uganda in 2024. The gender-based violence shelter is a place for survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse, torture, and trafficking to receive help and begin the healing process. They can receive medical care, counseling, and legal help. Survivors also have access to local law enforcement to help ensure that investigations are carried out, that perpetrators are arrested, and cases are tracked with the goal of conviction. The first two shelters are located in the Masaka and Lwengo Districts in Uganda. More than 1,000,000 people in these districts have access to the first two shelters. An estimated 3,200 people were served through both shelters from October 2022 – October 2023. More than 100 people gave their lives to Jesus in the last year at the shelters through the prayer and discipleship of pastors that are always there volunteering their time with survivors and family members.
- The gender-based violence shelters serve as triage for survivors, but also places where women can be referred to the Tebow Okoa Philippi Campus. In partnership with Okoa Refuge, the first Tebow Okoa Philippi Campus, located in the Masaka District, was opened in early 2022. This campus is a safe place for women who are survivors of human trafficking and exploitation to call “home,” receive in-depth counseling, Bible study, mentorship, and vocational training. When a woman transitions to the TOP Campus, the team walks closely with her to ensure that the changes in her everyday life are as smooth and successful as possible. A total of 45 women and children were served from October 2022 to October 2023 and three have graduated from the program. Coming in early 2024, we will be opening a second Tebow Okoa Philippi Campus. This new campus, located in the Lwengo District, will mirror the first one and include 45 beds in the safe homes on-site. The safe homes and additional spaces on campus will allow for more women to receive the hope and healing they deserve. Each woman will have the opportunity to learn life skills as they continue to build their purpose and fulfill their calling.