



Sibusisiwe: The Story Her Smile Tells

March 3 3 Minute Read????

Sibusisiwe: The Story Her Smile Tells

Hello March 3rd, 2025

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ZIMBABWE, March 2025—Every smile tells a unique story. It is a universal form of communication that transcends language and cultural barriers, saying a lot without the need for words. For Sibusisiwe, a baby in Zimbabwe who was born with a cleft lip and palate, her smile tells the story of her journey towards healing!

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Gratitude, Sibusisiwe’s mom, was shocked when she saw her daughter for the first time. She had never seen a cleft lip or palate before—a condition that occurs when the tissues and bone of a baby's face and mouth don't form properly during pregnancy, resulting in a split in the upper lip and roof of the mouth. She wondered what this would mean for her daughter’s life.

Thankfully, Gratitude’s mother-in-law was able to reassure her that Sibusisiwe’s father had the same condition when he was born and underwent surgery to correct it. While she learned how to navigate life with a newborn with a cleft lip and palate, she held onto hope that one-day Sibusisiwe could have life-changing surgery and be able to smile confidently.

Sibusisiwe’s first few months of life were challenging. Her cleft lip and palate made it difficult to breastfeed or latch onto a bottle, which meant she wasn’t getting the nutrients she needed to grow and develop properly. In desperation to feed her daughter, Gratitude sought help for Sibusisiwe at a local hospital, which referred them to TTF’s Ministry Partner, CURE Children’s Hospital of Zimbabwe (CURE Zimbabwe).

At CURE Zimbabwe, Sibusisiwe was seen by a nutritionist and doctors who came up with a plan to help her gain weight. They then scheduled her for surgery.

Grid graphic.pngThe life-changing surgery carefully closed the gap in her upper lip and palate, restoring her natural facial structure and function, and dramatically enhancing Sibusisiwe’s quality of life. While at the hospital, Sibusisiwe and her mother also experienced the love of Jesus through the amazing CURE Zimbabwe doctors and staff. Though her healing journey isn’t over yet, Sibusisiwe’s spirit shines brightly through her beaming new smile. She will return to CURE Zimbabwe in 2026 to evaluate her healing progress and determine her next steps.

Quote (4).jpg"I want to thank our donor [the Tim Tebow Foundation giving family] for sponsoring my daughter's surgery. Today, she is smiling because of your generosity," Gratitude said. 

At TTF, we have great hope and joy knowing that this beautiful baby girl will be able to grow up, learn to speak and smile confidently, thanks to the life-changing care she experienced at CURE Zimbabwe. Thank you to our amazing TTF Giving Family and Ministry Partner, CURE International, for helping make transformation stories like this one possible!

Standalone Graphic Sibusisiwe.jpgSibusisiwe’s story is a testament to the fact that there is hope for children and families with profound medical needs who are awaiting life-changing surgeries but lack access to quality care. Together, we can reach one more life with Faith, Hope and Love.

Every time Sibusisiwe smiles, we pray it will remind her and others that hope and healing are possible! 

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