



Fritz's Inspiring Journey to Healing

November 17 3 Minute Read????

Fritz's Inspiring Journey to Healing

Hello November 17th, 2023

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Fritz has spent most of his life hoping for a miracle of healing, but the path to getting quality treatment for clubfoot was long and extremely expensive. When his family heard about the chance to get world-class orthopedic treatment on another island in the Philippines, nothing was going to stand in their way - not a bus, a boat, or the airplane ride to get to the different island to receive healing. Many times, people with disabilities in the Philippines do not often get the treatment they need to thrive in their communities, and many families must go through a series of transportation methods just to get to where they can receive the help that they need.

Fritz was born with lower-extremities deformities, like his mother Joanne and his sister, Carlite. Joanne understood what it would be like to grow up with a disability, for her, it meant a life of bullying and discrimination, a life she did not want for her children. Joanne did everything in her power to find treatment for her precious kids. However, because of the lack of sustainable treatment in their local area, Fritz and Carlite grew up with untreated clubfoot. Despite the lack of quality care on their island, Joanne never lost hope and turned to social media to seek help. Through online connections, Joanne and her children were introduced to Tebow CURE Children's Hospital of the Philippines.

“There are times when I asked God why my family has to suffer from disabilities. But I thank Him for the opportunity He has given my children to receive treatment so their lives will change for the better,” -Joanne

In December 2022, Fritz and his sister came to Tebow CURE to start their treatment. It was a long and arduous journey filled with cast changes, surgeries, and physical therapy. In every step of the way, Fritz and his family were prayed over by the caring staff at the hospital. Though the treatment came with a tremendous amount of pain, Fritz remains resilient throughout his healing journey as he frequently reminds himself that God is always by his side!

TTF---Tebow-CURE---Fritz-Blog-Graphics3.pngOur TTF Family, together with our Ministry Partner, CURE International, got a chance to honor Fritz as royalty in February of 2023. He was celebrated as an honored guest at Night to Shine–a prom for people with special needs!  As we cheered him on the red carpet and crowned him as King, it was a sweet reminder of how much he is loved as God's image-bearer regardless of what he is going through in life!

After eight months of treatment, Fritz is finally done with surgical procedures and continues to build physical strength in his therapy sessions. Today, he can walk independently, and soon enough, he will travel back to his hometown. It is encouraging to see how Fritz set an example of what it is like to persevere in trials and count it all with joy! He has become an inspiration to all of us, and without a doubt his story will serve as God's testament to His love for all image-bearers!


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