Protect Them: A letter from Tim Tebow
Hello April 17th, 2023
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Dear TTF Family,
One of my favorite times of the year is when I have the chance to use my birthday to fight for hurting people and invite you into life-changing ministry through the Tim Tebow Foundation.
The TTF Protection Center is going to cost $1.3M, but thanks to some of our amazingly generous monthly and ongoing donors we have already raised $600,000. Now, for my 35th birthday we are setting out to close the gap and raise $700,000 to build the TTF Protection Center to protect up to 60 girls in Thailand who have been rescued from human trafficking, exploitation, and sexual abuse, but still aren't safe.
These courageous and brave girls are in active court cases against their traffickers and are in need of protection. Some are facing active threats, death threats, and even prices on their heads. Why? I can't say for sure, but I assume it's because traffickers don't want to face justice, they don't want to stop trafficking. They are capable of atrocious acts of evil to silence those speaking against them. In fact, right now, there are 15 girls waiting on this home to be built. We have to act fast to Protect Them!
Visit to learn more about Tim's 35th birthday fundraiser and how you can #ProtectThem.