Beti’s Resiliency, Faith, and Courage
Hello August 9th, 2023
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At a very young age, Beti learned to fend for herself as best as she could. Her mother passed away when she was in second grade, and she was left to be cared for by her father, who often consumed alcohol. To escape her current reality, Beti wandered the streets of Addis Ababa and ended up living at an Ethiopian orphanage for almost a decade, unable to deal with the trauma from her past.

Thankfully, Beti found light in the darkness when the orphanage director introduced her to the AGCI & TTF House of Hope. When she entered House of Hope, Beti was closed off from the other girls who lived in the home and the staff. At the orphanage, she went through years of self-preservation, where her initial response toward others was to protect herself from the vulnerability that comes with connection. She refused counseling, didn't want to play with the other girls or go to school, and refused to interact with caregivers.

Slowly, over time, the caring team at the AGCI & TTF House of Hope connected with Beti and created an environment where she could feel safe. Beti began receiving counseling regularly from the loving staff, and her heart opened up to receiving genuine love and friendships. While attending weekly Bible studies, she started to talk about her past and rely on the truth found in God's Word. Today, Beti has a testimony of transformation she freely shares with others and believes God led her to House of Hope.
Beti was at House of Hope for just over one year, and we are blown away by her growth during her time with us. Though Beti longed to be reunified with her family like so many other girls at House of Hope, unfortunately, our team was unable to locate them and pursue reunification. However, after learning so many new skills while at the home, our team determined this incredible young woman, now 18 years old, was ready for assisted independence. Through TTF’s Ministry Partner, All God’s Children International, Beti learned to become an independent young adult giving her a chance to live a bright future that once felt unattainable.

At the end of April, Beti moved into her own apartment just three blocks down the road from House of Hope. She is enrolled in a vocational training program during the day and has a desire to pursue night classes to complete her high school education. This transition to independence gave Beti a safe way to grow into adulthood, and she still has close contact with our staff, who are ready to help her through any challenges she may face. Beti might be independent now, but she will never be alone.
While many children in Ethiopia return to living on the streets after aging out of the child welfare system, unable to break the cycle of poverty, pain, and substance abuse, Beti's story looks much different today than it could have had she not found the AGCI &TTF House of Hope. Beti’s journey continues to inspire us—for the person she is and the person she's becoming into. Her story stands as a genuine testament of resiliency, faith, and courage.