Jolie’s Forever Family…
Hello July 18th, 2016
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We are so blessed to share that sweet Jolie has found her forever family and is home! This past March TTF awarded Jeff & Liza an Adoption Aid grant to help them bring home Jolie. A couple months later, in May of this year, Jeff & Liza traveled to China to bring their daughter home!
“We are so humbled and grateful to have been chosen for the adoption grant from the TTF. Words can’t adequately describe how thrilled we were to receive the grant.”
“We received the call about the grant less than 12 hours before boarding a plane for China, which put us just past our needed goal. God is always faithful, and perfect in His timing – thank you so much for the generous gift! May God richly bless your efforts to reduce fatherlessness in the world.” – Liza & Jeff, Jolie’s parents
Jolie is Jeff & Liza’s second adopted child (Asher, pictured below, was adopted from Ethiopia). Jolie, now a little older than a year and a half, had open heart surgery at 7 months and is now relatively healthy, and improving every day! Jolie loves noodles, stacking cups, ring-around-the-Rosie, Cheerios, copying her brother, and brushing her teeth… and we cannot wait to see the rest of God’s plan for Jolie and her family!
Every month, TTF awards an Adoption Aid grant to a family making the courageous decision to adopt a child internationally with special needs. Donate today to help bring children, like Jolie, home to their forever family.