Elvie: ‘Be cool, trust in the Lord, and believe in yourself.’
Hello June 8th, 2018
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Since opening in December 2014, the Tebow CURE Hospital has seen thousands of children healed both physically & spiritually. We are thrilled to share this inspiring story of J-Vie's healing told by his mom Elvie...
“I tell parents it’s normal to be nervous and scared, but be brave. Be cool, trust in the Lord, and believe in yourself. You’re strong. You can do anything. Moms always know what’s best for their children, but everyone here at Tebow CURE will give the best they have to Tebow CURE and heal your kids.”
Elvie, mom to CUREkid J-Vie, knew what was best for her only child who was born with bone deformities in both legs, a condition that affects her as well.
“For so many years, I asked the Lord, ‘Please find me a foreign doctor, the perfect hospital for my son.’ Then, on April 29, 2015, while I was watching TV, a show talked about Tebow CURE Hospital, and I knew it was for us. I know God put the hospital in Davao just for us! The following Monday, on May 4, I went to the hospital. The guards were so nice, and told us to return on Thursday. I remember all those dates. They are so important to me because they represent a memorable event in our lives.”
“That Thursday, we came back and when we came out of the elevator, I was surprised by the mural of Jesus on the wall. I felt like it was the Holy Spirit showing us where to go. I also saw ‘Faith, Hope, and Love’ on the wall in Timmy’s Playroom and told my husband Joel, ‘We’re in the right place.’ We were called into the exam room and J-Vie asked Dr. Tim, ‘Doctor, can you fix my legs?’ Dr. Tim told us about so many kids that he has operated on, and then told us, ‘Because of you, God sent me here.’ Then, I definitely knew we belonged there. I felt like two dump trucks of feelings had dumped their entire load on me! My emotions were so heavy. I was crying. Crying out of happiness, out of relief, out of fear.”
“I don’t know why I was so nervous on surgery day, but I was. I’m a strong mom and I knew the surgery would be good for J-Vie. His first surgery was May 19. When I saw his first leg afterward, all I could think was ‘wow, it’s perfectly straight!’ The next surgery was June 9. When we went home, we were so excited, but we had to take care of him as if he were a baby again. Joel and I did every thing for him, but it was worth it. On August 30, Dr. Tim removed his final casts and said. ‘wow, perfect!’ We were all amazed. His legs were perfect.”
Shortly after, J-Vie started coming to physical therapy a few days a week. Elvie accompanied him and quickly became bored waiting while J-Vie did his exercises. She had no idea that her purpose would extend so far beyond being the brave, strong mom during J-Vie’s recovery.
“I started doing prayer and devotions with the Spiritual Ministry team, going from room to room. I loved helping give encouragement to the parents. Everyone is nervous, everyone has problems, and I could cheer them up. Even though I’m not a perfect person, I am happy with who I am and I could give joy to those who were sad. Even if you have your own problems, if you smile, it cheers others up.”
“There was a need for someone to watch the playroom during Thursday Clinic, and they asked if I was interested. I wasn’t sure about it, but I said, ‘yes.’ I welcomed the kids who are there for clinic, and asked if they want to come inside and play, color, play video games, etc. I love meeting new friends from different places, from outside the city, and even when I first meet them and we’re not close yet, I try to comfort and give the moms big hugs. I tell them the story of J-Vie and tell them, ‘You’re so blessed to be here!’ At home, I’m so quiet because I’m the only girl, but here [at Tebow CURE], I make a lot of noise and can express my feelings! I’m free here because I have so many friends. Once clinic is over I’m free to go, but I usually stay behind and spend time with the staff.”
Thank you for coming alongside us to support deserving children, just like J-Vie! If you would like to help us continue serving the deserving children of the Philippines, donate today. 100% of your gift will go toward the TTF ministry!
Story written by Marlene Bray, CURE Philippines story teller.