


Identify & Rescue Children Who Have Been Sexually Exploited

Our Mission is to bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.

Since its inception in 2010, the Tim Tebow Foundation has served those who are hurting, marginalized, and trapped in darkness in 86 countries and counting. In addition to ministry operations and services that meet some of the most dire physical needs, TTF also has a heart to share the Gospel with as many vulnerable people as possible to help them know their inherent value as children of God.

Our heart is to love Jesus and to love people.

We are called to fight for the world's most vulnerable people through our four main areas of focus – Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Orphan Care + Prevention, Profound Medical Needs, and Special Needs Ministry.

How we serve the Most Vulnerable People

When you choose to give to TTF, you choose not only to support ongoing ministries impacting lives daily, but also to help the next one—those who have yet to be reached. Learn how you can have an immediate impact in our fight for people in chaos, crisis, hardship, and darkness. Our mission is a big one. But with God, all things are possible. Let's keep going together.

Orphan Care + Prevention

  • 5
    Countries We Serve In
  • 360
    Forever Familes United
  • 80
    Abandoned Babies Rescued
  • 7
    FHL Homes
  • 68
    Vulnerable Girls Reunited

Currently, there are an estimated 153 million orphaned and abandoned children around the world. And of the 153 million, many suffer from abuse, neglect, or exploitation—a reality that no child should experience. The Tim Tebow Foundation provides for the physical and spiritual care of children who have been left homeless or abandoned, as well as resources to create strong families and adoption assistance, all to protect children from these vulnerabilities and give them hope for a secure future.

Night to shine - Special Needs Ministry

Special Needs Ministry

  • 56
    Countries We Serve In
  • 625,000+
    Honored Guests Celebrated
  • 700+
    Children Receiving Education and Care

It is estimated that 16% of the world’s population lives with a disability. Considered some of the world’s most vulnerable people, they are often denied the same opportunities as their peers to feel valued as a part of not only the life of their local community but also in the life of the Church. In many countries around the globe, people with disabilities are viewed as a burden, worthless, or even cursed. However, God greatly loves and values these precious people and so does the Tim Tebow Foundation. In this love, TTF is on mission to change the narrative.

Girl sitting on hospital bed Smiling

Profound Medical Needs

  • 4
    Countries We Serve In
  • 110+
    Official W15H Experiences
  • 10,100+
    Life-Changing Surgeries
  • 11,760+
    Expressions of Faith
  • 11
    Timmy's Playrooms

Even in today’s modern world, there are regions with significantly little access to quality medical care or, in even more places, an inability for families to afford it if it is available. Through strategic, official ministry partnerships, the foundation has helped build and operate medical facilities in the Philippines, Zimbabwe, and the Peruvian jungles. By partnering with pioneers in developing countries to provide spiritual and medical healing, the foundation is able to meet the needs of thousands of vulnerable people every year.

Demi-Leigh Tebow hugging human trafficking victim

Anti-Human Trafficking + Child Exploitation

  • 16
    Countries We Serve In
  • 43
    Safe Homes Operating Worldwide
  • 500+
    Total Survivor Capacity Across Homes
  • 3,000+
    Survivors Rescued

While statistics are hard to come by, is has been said that there are more than 40 million people around the world being trafficked and exploited through force, fraud, and coercion. Engaged in the global fight against human trafficking and child exploitation, the Tim Tebow foundation is committed to catalyzing awareness and prevention, to enabling the rescue of victims, and to providing restorative care to survivors.

Latest Stories

Give Life a Chance

Recently, we asked Tim to reflect on some memorable moments of TTF's ministry... This is one of those moments he shared and how your giving can be the difference between life and death.


Join The Movement

You can be a part of the community that is bringing Faith, Hope and Love to children around the world. Through our monthly giving program, 100% of your recurring gift will go towards the children that we serve!

Benefits of Joining

  • Monthly Stories of Your Impact
  • Exclusive Believe in the Mission T-Shirt
  • Become a part of the Movement Community more than 5,000 strong
  • Enable TTF to expand worldwide ministry
  • First Access to TTF Devotionals
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Thank you for letting those of us with a small voice help make a big difference.
- TTF Giving Family Member

Join the Rescue Team

The Rescue Team is an army of people committed to engaging, inspiring, and equipping others in the fight against child sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

Benefits of Joining

  • Monthly stories of your impact
  • Exclusive Rescue Mission T-Shirt
  • First Access to TTF Devotionals
  • Become a part of the Defender Community more than 1,750 strong
  • Enable TTF to run into chaos and crisis to fight one of the world's greatest evils
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Thank you for bringing hope and help to these precious, exploited children. It is an honor to be involved in doing something to rescue such a life.
- TTF Rescue Team Member

Join the Mission