Waiting, Watching, and Praying
Hello May 6th, 2020
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Over the last few days, we’ve brought you stories and photos of how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting many of our ministry partners around the world. But as we all know, the fallout of the pandemic is something from which few countries are exempt. The United States is no different.
For many of the American families who are part of TTF’s Adoption Aid program, international government mandates and worldwide travel restrictions have essentially put their adoption processes on hold. They are waiting, watching, and praying. At this point, it’s all they can do.
We recently reached out to these families, asking how we can be praying for them and hoping to encourage them in some small way, and yet, we were the ones who found ourselves encouraged. Their faith in God’s goodness and the unwavering trust they put in His perfect plan is not only holding them together in this time, but what moves them to press on…
From the Maynard Family –
“We've learned that the government office in the country where our daughter lives is closed due to the virus. We are so ready to be officially matched with her, but the only way we see this happening is for the office to open back up. Of course, the only way for the office to open back up is for the virus to end. Please lift us all in prayer!”
From the Szyman Family –
“Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers! We would appreciate prayer for our precious boy we are awaiting to adopt but can’t get to because of the virus. We are near the end stages of the adoption process, but obviously everything has slowed because of the pandemic. We are trusting in God’s perfect timing and will for our little boy to join our family, and are praying he is well, as we have not had an update about him since the virus first started in his country.”
From the Beck Family –
“We were hoping to travel very soon, however our adoption trip has been delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are not sure when all of the travel restrictions will be lifted, but are very happy to say all we are waiting for is travel approval so that we can schedule our government appointments and run to our sweet boy. At this time we believe that we will travel over the summer, however we really have no idea. All that to say, please pray over this situation, and for all the families and children that it is affecting.”
At TTF, one of the primary ways we encourage you to get involved with our mission is through prayer. We know that it is powerful. When we pray, anything is possible. The Father knows every one of our needs before we can even bring them to Him. He knew the plans for all of these sweet families would be delayed, but He also knows the exact moment each of them will bring their son or daughter home. And so as we pray for these families and others, please join us. You can press on today by partnering with us in this very moment through prayer.