See Them: A Letter from Tim Tebow
Hello December 19th, 2023
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Dear TTF Family,More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus stepped down from heaven on a rescue mission for all humanity. I am so grateful that at this time of year we get to celebrate the coming of our Rescuer and that He didn’t just see us dead in our sin and look away but loved us enough to give everything so that we could be reconciled with Him. As Jesus accomplished His mission to save us from sin and death, He also saved us for the mission of spreading the Gospel and loving people.
At TTF, that mission looks like bringing Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. Thanks to the generosity of our family around the world, TTF’s mission has now reached over 80 countries, seen so much growth, so much expansion, and been a part of so much life-change that it’s impossible to put it all here in just one paragraph. The support of our giving family has made a difference in the lives of so many, and we are truly thankful.

As I close 2023 with a grateful heart, I also can’t help but continue to be burdened by the MVPs, the Most Vulnerable People, who still need us. The girls and boys around the world who are trapped in darkness, viewed as throw-aways, seen as insignificant, forgotten, or abandoned. Today, I am feeling especially heavy about people living with special needs and disabilities.
Right now, it’s estimated there are 1.3 billion people around the world living with a disability.
The special needs community is the largest, most forgotten, and most under-served population on Earth. In our command to love all people like Jesus, I’m struck by how contrary this is to his heart. While on Earth, not only did Jesus show His love for all of humanity, but more than 60% of his publicly recorded miracles were for those that were afflicted. A lot of times, the afflicted meant special needs. We believe it is significant that Jesus demonstrated his heart for people with disabilities in this way, and that as a society, we should to. But unfortunately, people with special needs are still unseen, neglected, and often worse – thought of as insignificant, less than.

One of our partners, Ekisa Ministries in Uganda, shares this reality…
“Persons with disabilities are often stigmatized and discriminated against in their families and communities. There is often false information, false assumption, and an incomplete understanding of God’s design and purpose for their life. When a parent or caregiver is told that their child has a disability, they can be overcome with feelings of disbelief, anxiety, fear, depression, or shame. Some may also ask questions of ‘why me’ and conclude that they are being punished for sins or bad acts of the past. Depending on the severity of the disability and the magnitude of the demand for coping, a few parents may even contemplate death for the child or themselves. We have even heard…
‘My child is a burden, and they have no place in my family…I have three kids, but one doesn’t count.’”
Let that sink in – I have three kids, but one doesn’t count...
With a problem this large, what do we do? We take action with you!

We believe we are being called deeper in this season with two partners in particular, Ekisa Ministries in Uganda, and Tebow Down Guatemala. We met both ministries through Night to Shine and have been serving together in impactful ways over the last several years.
In Uganda, the generosity of our giving family has helped build the Ekisa Tebow Community Care Center reaching underserved families living with a disability in the greater community. These centers, in addition to the 11 others that we operate alongside our partners in six countries, now serve thousands of children and families living with disabilities through education, therapy, resources, counseling, and the good news of the Gospel.
The generosity of our TTF Giving Family has already helped us build four Tebow Down Guatemala Special Needs Resource Centers, with a fifth in process, which together now serve more than 450+ families across the country!
Together, we have created real life impact through Tebow Down Guatemala and Ekisa Ministries for so many, but there is so much more to do. Our current resource centers are not able to meet the need that exists in these countries as thousands of children and families have yet to be reached.
There are still families who feel forgotten, who are starving for support, and children who are often viewed in their communities as shameful, or even cursed. There is just so much hurt, neglect, and darkness globally within the lives of people with special needs and disabilities. But we know that we can continue to make a lasting impact through the creation of flagship campuses in both Uganda and Guatemala.
Our goal alongside you is to build two new campuses that will immediately increase capacity to serve children and families by the hundreds.

The Ekisa Tebow campus will be in Jinja, Uganda, and will be equipped with family-style and assisted living homes within transitional residential care, an academy for up to 150 students that will operate with a reverse inclusion model knowing that integration with their communities is one of the top priorities for the students who will attend and will accomplish the bigger goals of breaking down stigma and discrimination, and a new Community Care Center, which will enable our team of social workers and therapists to take on 50-75 new families who have children with disabilities. This space will include therapy rooms, large and small meeting spaces for families and children, and private counseling spaces.

The Tebow Down Guatemala campus will be located in the heart of Guatemala City and equipped with a school, resource center for parents, therapy, vocational training, thrift store and coffee shop for sustainable revenue, vocational opportunities, and more.
There is nothing like this in either Uganda or Guatemala. They are unique. They are one-of-a-kind. And your gift will be a catalyst to changing the narrative around children with special needs while bringing Faith, Hope and Love to those in their darkest hour.
Matthew 5:14 says, “…A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
We believe these campuses will be a beacon of hope, a shining light, and a “city on a hill” for the community of people with special needs. Lord willing, children will be seen as image-bearers rather than shameful. Families will feel loved, not alone. Through God’s grace, the movement of how people are viewed and treated within these countries can increase in momentum.
In the Bible, we read almost 70 times that Jesus sees people. When Jesus would see them, He would stop, He would have compassion, He would love them, and He would heal them. I know we’re not Jesus, but He is our perfect example. What do we do when we see vulnerable people?
As we enter this Christmas season, as we see our loved ones, and enjoy making them feel seen, cherished, and abundantly loved, I hope this campaign helps us all SEE the most vulnerable.
If you feel called to give this season, and as we launch See Them, I’m asking you now – don’t look away.
I believe that as you, and thousands of others read this, eternity will be changed. I believe the TTF family, like so often in the past, will make the choice to close the gap and care for hurting and vulnerable people by giving and by praying.
We are praying for and believing in God for a total of $3,000,000— $2,000,000 to bring these campuses to life, and $1,000,000 to help continue expansion of all our global ministry through Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Profound Medical Needs, and Orphan Care + Prevention.
Every single one of us has a choice to make. We can continue with our lives, or we can open our eyes to the inherent worth people with special needs have as image bearers, see them, and love them. Will you join us in making an impact by giving a year-end gift to fight for some of the world’s Most Vulnerable People?
I am grateful for you, and the mission we are on together. God bless you and your family this Christmas season!