Protect Them: a letter from a survivor of human trafficking
Hello August 9th, 2022
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This letter is written by one of the survivors of human trafficking in Thailand. When Beam was rescued from trafficking, she bravely testified against her perpetrators to pursue justice against them in court. Her story represents some of the courageous girls at Rapha International who are currently in active court cases against their traffickers. Some of these girls are facing active threats, death threats, and even have prices on their heads. Their traffickers are capable of atrocious acts of evil to silence those speaking against them.
After pursuing justice against her perpetrators, Beam’s traffickers are finally prosecuted. She wrote a letter to our TTF family that we would like to share with all of you:
Dear TTF Family,
I can remember how it felt to be afraid all the time.
Even after I was rescued and brought to Rapha, it took a long time before I really believed I was safe. I knew that the powerful people who had hurt me wanted me to disappear. They wanted to keep my voice silent from testifying against them. Day after day, the staff proved that I was safe, and my heart began to trust and heal. Finally, the powerful people who had hurt me went to prison.
Now, I am studying to be an attorney so I can help other girls who have a past like me to receive the justice they deserve. I want girls who have survived these injustices against them to know that they don’t have to be afraid anymore and that they can have hope for the future. Thank you for supporting the TTF Protection Center in Thailand!
Because of you, girls like me will find protection and justice. They will find a safe place to begin to have hope for their future once again.
Thank you,
Survivor of Human Trafficking
Right now, there are 15 survivors of human trafficking waiting for the TTF Protection Center to be built. With your support, we can #ProtectThem through the buildout of the TTF Protection Center, a tightly secured shelter in Thailand where these brave young girls will not only receive Gospel-centered holistic care they so desperately need, but will also be kept safe for the duration of their traffickers’ trial.
Will you help us protect girls like Beam as they bravely stand against their traffickers? Visit