Josh's W15H
Hello October 21st, 2019
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Like many teenagers, Josh McIntosh loves football (especially the Atlanta Falcons), playing video games and listening to music. Unlike most teenagers, however, Josh was diagnosed with a brain tumor two years ago. Josh’s faith in God is what got him through his surgery, chemo, and radiation. He learned to trust God no matter what happens.
Today, 15 year-old Josh is in remission and is slowly healing after a hard fight! Even though he someimes uses a wheelchair and needs hearing aids, Josh isn’t deterred from accomplishing hard things. He even claimed “Rise Up” as his personal catchphrase to show how determined he is to overcome any obstacle he faces!
Josh also draws inspiration from the way Tim Tebow lives out his faith in God.
“Tim Tebow sets a great example for other athletes and Christians on how to live through faith in God.” -Josh
We were so excited to grant Josh his W15H and give him one-on-one time with Tim!
We love bringing W15H experiences to kids just like Josh, and you can help us! If you’d like to help grant a W15H to meet Tim, please consider giving online or joining The Movement.