Kate Amato’s W15H…
Hello October 29th, 2016
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Kate’s Story…
It has been over two years since Kate was diagnosed with cancer… Those two years were filled with brutal chemotherapy treatments, radiation and hospital stays, hospital/homebound schooling and most recently has been placed on an immunotherapy drug for treatment. Kate has been through a lot, but through it all, her spirits always remained high and she kept a smile on her face.
“Through being sick she has hard days, but she works through those days and just bounces back. Her happy attitude has helped and inspired others to be grateful and to live their life.” – Lisa Amato, Kate’s mom
Kate, who we first met at the 2016 Tim Tebow Foundation Celebrity Gala & Golf Classic, is just like any other 11-year-old girl. She loves horses, tennis, dancing, singing, reading, painting and time with her friends. Another thing Kate loves – Tim Tebow!
“I can’t wait for my W15H because Tim is a nice person. He visits sick children and tries to cheer them up, he does special things for them to help them feel better. I’m just looking forward to having some fun!” – Kate Amato
Kate’s W15H…
Kate’s W15H with Tim is this weekend, as we have a fun-filled W15H experiences in store for her! Kate met Tim yesterday for a private brunch where they laughed, joked and just spent quality time together.
Today, Kate is enjoying her behind-the-scenes access at the set of SEC Nation with Tim and the crew! Kate also enjoyed an incredible welcome/introduction chant from the fans attending the SEC Network’s traveling pre-game show!
Filled with gifts, gift cards to her favorite stores, limo rides and VIP treatment, we hope that this weekend with Tim and TTF are a true display of how much God loves Kate and we love Kate. We pray that she continues to find the strength to stay positive and fight on!
To help make W15H experiences like Kate’s possible, we encourage you to consider joining The Movement today!