Zion is HOME!
Hello March 21st, 2018
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In December, 2017, The Johnson family welcomed home Zion from China. Through the help of the Tim Tebow Foundation's Adoption Aid program, Zion has a forever family to call his own, and a future filled with Faith, Hope & Love. Below is a letter that we recently received from Zion's mom, Christi, celebrating 3 months being home:
I keep thinking back to finding out about the grant we received from the TTF. I am still blown away by your generosity. We were prepared to go into major debt with our adoption expenses but when it was all said and done, every expense was paid. It is truly confirmation for us that God called us to adopt and then worked out every detail.
Thank you again for supporting our adoption and helping us bring our son home.
We will forever be grateful,
Christi Johnson
Thank you for helping us be a part of Zion's journey! Join The Movement today to help TTF bring home even more children, like Zion, to their forever families!