Tim Tebow Foundation’s W15H Kicks off at New York Jets Preseason Opener
Hello August 9th, 2012
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The New York Jets begin their 2012 NFL preseason schedule in Cincinnati against the Bengals, but this game will be about much more than just football. It will be an opportunity for a young boy to have his dream come true, and meet New York Jets quarterback, Tim Tebow.
Twelve year-old Joseph “Sepp” Shirey has always relied on his crutches to provide support in his battle with cerebral palsy, but his illness has never stopped his determination to play sports, especially tackle football.
After enduring a neurosurgical procedure at the age of three, struggling through demanding physical therapy, and preparing for a future filled with daunting physical hurdles, it is hard to believe that Sepp’s days are filled with optimism and endless smiles. As a member of the Blue Star Cowboys, an affiliate of the Metro Youth Football League in Mechanicsville, Virginia, Sepp is known by family and friends as the “Commissioner of Neighborhood Backyards and Playgrounds.”
Through the Tim Tebow Foundation’s W15H (Wish 15) program, in partnership with Dreams Come True of Jacksonville, Sepp will travel to Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati to spend time with New York Jets quarterback, Tim Tebow during pre-game warm-ups, and immediately following the game.
Sepp will return to Virginia with a W15H gift package that includes exclusive W15H luggage, a Nike duffle bag, gift cards for both Nike and Jockey, Tim Tebow’s book, Through My Eyes, a Florida Gators 2008 National Championship book, a personalized bible, and much more. The W15H experience will help fuel Sepp’s drive to never quit, while providing him with memories he will carry with him for a lifetime.