Sam's W15H
Hello October 15th, 2019At one year of age, Sam Morrison was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. In the time since his diagnosis he has endured two surgeries to help with his walking. Now as an active 12 year-old, he works hard at physical therapy each week to help him maintain his mobility. We were so excited to grant Sam, who is a fan of all things sports, a W15H weekend full of exciting experiences and, of course, one-on-one quality time with Tim Tebow.
Sam told us,
“Tim has been a role model to me with his work ethic and standing up for what is right.”
Sam’s W15H started out with a shopping spree where he got to pick out some new sports gear to fit his passion for athletics. Then, it was off to the restaurant for dinner with Tim! Sam had shared that Tim’s testimony is especially meaningful to him, and the two were able to talk about how they live out their faith. Tim and Sam got into a deep discussion about faith and what Philippians 4:13 means.
Saturday morning was packed with everything a sports fan could want: throwing a football with Tim, chatting with SEC Nation hosts Marty and Marcus, meeting WWE star Bill Goldberg, and learning how much goes on behind the scenes at SEC Nation.
After hanging out with Tim on the SEC Nation set, it was time for Sam to head onto the field pre-game, before the Georgia Bulldogs took on the South Carolina Gamecocks. Sam even predicted the upset! He wants to be a sports analyst one day, and it looks like he’s off to a great start.
After the game, Sam closed out the day with a cheesy fry dinner and surprise cake from the restaurant staff.
We had such a great time getting to know Sam and his family over the weekend. He’s recently been fighting migraines, so we ask that you join us in praying for relief. Sam is such an inspiration in the way he doesn’t let his illness slow him down or stop him from anything!
If you’d like to help bring more W15H experiences to kids like Sam, please consider donating today or joining The Movement, our community of monthly givers!