



Powerful, Effective Prayer

February 25 3 Minute Read???? Tebow Cure Hospital

Powerful, Effective Prayer

Hello February 25th, 2020

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“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16. These were the words Carolina, the mother of a Tebow CURE Hospital patient, clung to for many years…words that fueled her hope that her teenage daughter, Cyndi, would one day be healed. Today, almost one year after an amputation for her phacomelia (limb malformation), Cyndi is healing beautifully and learning to adjust to her new life and new body.

A rare congenital deformity in which the limbs are underdeveloped, phacomelia had left Cyndi missing both hands and one of her legs. But despite her physical limitations, Cyndi adjusted as well as anyone possibly could over the years, learning to cook, help with chores, and play, all the while on one leg. More than this, she encouraged and inspired everyone around her, leaning on her own personal trust in Jesus which she has shared with many classmates and neighbors!

Just a few months ago, Carolina’s longtime prayer was answered as the CURE Hospital, along with partners Seeds of Dignity and the Limb Kind Foundation, was able to fit Cyndi with a prosthetic leg for the first time in her life! The leg could not come at a better time as she walks to school every day, and recently changed to a different school, this one further in distance than the first. “This is an answered prayer!” Carolina told the CURE staff. “Cyndi’s physical appearance doesn’t matter to me. She’s my child, and I accept her. But I’ve been praying for someone to provide a prosthesis for her leg so she doesn’t need to hop long distance.”

Since September of 2019, after several adjustments on the fit of the leg, and some time in intense physical therapy, Cyndi returned home to another island where she resumed her typical daily life. She returned to school, is still keeping up with her at-home exercises, and is even now leading worship in her church! Because of her continued growth, she will need to have her prosthetic adjusted to her current height very soon, but we know this courageous and resilient young lady is up for any new challenges that come her way in the future! She has leaned on the wise words of her mother – words that challenged us as well – “Trust God, and set your mind on things above, because He holds everything.”

As you live in the truth of Carolina’s words today, would you prayerfully consider partnering with us? Because of your support, the lives of children like Cyndi are being transformed all over the world. We cannot do it without you!

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