New Campus Provides Haven for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Uganda
Hello June 6th, 2024
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We are grateful to be able to serve more survivors of human trafficking and exploitation with the opening of a second Tebow Okoa Philippi (TOP) Campus in Uganda. Praise God!
This campus in Lwengo, which includes 45 beds on-site, broadens our reach and equips our partners at Okoa Refuge to provide opportunities for women to continue to heal, while building their purpose. We are in awe of how the Lord has provided, so we can continue bringing Faith, Hope and Love to these communities in Uganda.
“The second campus is so needed because it serves a different population of people,” said Tyler Workman, who founded Okoa Refuge alongside his wife, Liv. “It is located in a different district that also has the same problem of sex and labor trafficking. Our goal is to strategically open TOP Campuses throughout Uganda to ensure that every enslaved woman can be rescued.”
The first Tebow Okoa Philippi Campus opened in early 2022 in Masaka, Uganda with 35 beds. Since opening, 28 women and 26 of their children have been served through our residential program! We’re excited to share that five women and four children already call the second campus in Lwengo home. We thank the Lord for them and how He is working in each and every life!
Origins of The Philippi Project
Okoa started the Philippi Project in 2017, where they began—and continue—to serve by hosting weekly Bible studies in brothels around town. Women come to learn about Jesus, receive prayer, and build positive relationships.
As a woman goes through the program, she can then be identified and referred to the TOP Campus based on her readiness and the strength of her commitment to change her future.
Once a woman transitions to the TOP Campus, the staff walks closely and personally with her to ensure that the change in her everyday life is as smooth and successful as possible. She will then receive more in-depth counseling, Bible study, mentoring, and vocational training. A woman graduates from the entire project once she is ready to support herself and has the confidence to face life independently.
Will you join us in praying for every woman’s healing journey and that they find Jesus? The goal of our campuses is to introduce survivors to the One who loves them and offers them true inside-out transformation.