“I dream that Jay will not get to the point where he gets bullied. I think bullying is expected towards kids with disability,” said Jay’s mom, Cas, as she honestly shared her thoughts.
Walk, run, trip, tumble, repeat. Jay is a ball of energy bouncing off from one end of the room to the other! Then, add singing and dancing in the mix, and you’ll have Jay’s entire personality! Cas adds, “You give him any instrument and he is all about it!”
Being born with clubfoot runs in Jay’s family line. His father had it when he was a child and Jay’s cousin was recently treated through serial casting. Cas and Jay aren’t new to the disability but they are excited that Jay’s feet will be clubfoot-free soon! Cas says, “He doesn’t fall all the time, but he gets tired easily. He is also not able to walk up on a slope. The Mobile Clinic is the first time that we heard about Tebow CURE. We heard about it from our neighbor. Since then, I stopped working so I can take care of him full-time."
Jay’s family has made sacrifices, so they can focus on his treatment. Their hope was that Jay will be able to go to school just like any normal kid.
Jay's journey to healing began in September, 2017 and included countless visits & hours spent in the Timmy's Playroom, cast changes and even surgery, Jay became clubfoot free this past February!
Just a few days ago, Jay was welcomed back to the Tebow CURE Hospital for a routine checkup, and his feet looked great... Check out the video below!