Incredible Stories from Night to Shine: The Family & Caregivers
Hello April 2nd, 2020
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Incredible Stories from Night to Shine: The Family & Caregivers
“I thought God had given up on me and abandoned me. But because of Night to Shine, I know that God loves both my child and me, and that the church loves and accepts us for who we are. My faith in God has been restored.” - a parent from Bethel Baptist in Dora, Alabama
“As a parent to a child with special needs, I don’t often get the chance to relax. I’m always worrying and watching out for my daughter. Night to Shine was the first time in a long time I’ve been able to relax. The attention to detail in every area, from check-in to the dining area, showed me that my daughter was being taken care of so well. And the special attention paid to us parents in the respite room was just a bonus!” - a parent from Immanuel Leidy’s Church/Ridgeline Community Church in Souderton, Pennsylvania
“To hear the cheers for my son as he walked the red carpet was overwhelming. To see him experience the celebration and enjoyment - just like a young adult at any prom would – it’s such a gift. It feels like a taste of heaven – where no disabilities will exist and we will all be equally loved.” - a parent from Bethel Church in Richland, Washington
“I was recently diagnosed with cancer, and am already undergoing chemotherapy treatments. But I wouldn’t have missed watching my child on this night for anything! It has been exactly what I’ve needed to keep going and keep fighting!” - a parent from Ocean View Church of Christ in Ocean View, Delaware
“From the time my son came into the world, I had high hopes and dreams for him. When he was diagnosed with autism at age three, those hopes and dreams did not disappear, but did change. I cried many tears wondering if and where he would find his place in this world. Four years ago, he attended his first Night to Shine. It was that night I saw hope in front of me. Hope that there are genuine people who truly love and care for people with special needs. Hope that my son will have genuine friends, be included, and be treated with the same dignity and respect that everyone deserves. Hope for his future. We are forever grateful. Night to Shine has literally changed my son’s life.” - a parent from Guntersville First United Methodist Church in Guntersville, Alabama