



A Good And Perfect Gift: An Adoption Aid Story

December 10 3 Minute Read???? Adoption Aid, Adoption Aid

A Good And Perfect Gift: An Adoption Aid Story

Hello December 10th, 2018

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The story of the Carrete family’s journey in adopting Tomas is such a beautiful representation of God’s love and faithfulness. Tomas’ mom, Bonnie, tells the amazing story below from her perspective as his mother. Her story touched our hearts and reminded us of James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”…

“The decision and preparation for our family to adopt took many years, but the process itself took just over 15 months. After 2 biological children, my husband - Angel - and I decided to stop talking about possibly adopting one day and started actively pursuing it. We believe, as God’s word says, that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3-5) and we deeply desired to grow our family through adoption.

Adoption is a beautiful picture of the gospel. God, in His great love and mercy, sacrificed, sought, and at a great cost, chose to adopt us in to His family. Because He, not even sparing His only Son, rescued us, we cry “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15). He reached into our lives and radically changed everything about us. He pursued us when we were unaware of His love. He gave us a new name and a new identity. He remains faithfully committed to us even in difficult times. I learned so much about God’s unconditional love when I first became a parent. Adoption opened my eyes to the wonders of God’s faithfulness.

Our decision to adopt began in 2011, shortly after our first child was born. We spent the following years researching adoption agencies, following adoption blogs, listening to podcasts about adopting and fostering in faith, and watching “Welcome Home” videos on YouTube. Every few months we would scroll through the numerous lists of waiting children on various websites. God was working in our hearts, showing us the need. God’s word shows His deep love for the most vulnerable: widows, orphans, and the fatherless. We also know that our God reconciles, heals, and restores that which is broken. The notion of adoption, of bringing vulnerable children into a loving family and a safe home, is God’s idea. Seven years before we would bring home our adopted son and two years before he was even born, God was preparing us to become Tomas’s parents.

In June of 2017 we sent in our application to the Eurasia Team at Lifeline Children’s Services. This began months of phone calls and interviews, training sessions to attend, books and articles to read. We went through every check list and began to ensure all of the requirements were met. While the paperwork seemed time consuming and daunting, the financial requirements seemed impossible. A verse a college roommate often quoted continually popped into my mind when the cost appeared overwhelming, “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10). When what lay ahead of us felt like too much, the Spirit would remind me of the truth: God owns it all and there is nothing too great for Him.

In March of 2018, we completed all the necessary paperwork and on June 6 we were matched with our son. In August we traveled to Hungary where we spent the next 6 weeks bonding and fulfilling the in-country requirements in order to bring our son home. By God’s grace, we returned to the United States on October 5 as a family of five and our newest addition, Tomas James Carrete, was finally home.

Now as we approach our 3rd month home with Tomas we marvel at God’s kindness. Thanks to generous friends, family, members of our local church, and organizations like The Tim Tebow Foundation, we were able to pay the necessary fees and travel expenses. It is incredibly humbling to have had so much help and support. God is so good!

Tomas is growing and developing so quickly. He has already grown 2 inches and gained several pounds. He surprises friends, relatives, even doctors with how much English he has already picked up. He is much stronger and sure-footed having gained muscles through jumping on trampolines and playing on playgrounds. He has learned his colors and can now count up to five. He is no longer in diapers and has grown emotionally as well. He goes to children’s church and has heard the wonderful news of Jesus. When I look back on videos from just a few short months ago, it’s clear that Tomas is not the same child.

God used many individuals, organizations, family, friends, and members of our church in this process. The call to adopt is not for everyone, but we experienced first-hand how God uses His body of believers to come alongside and to live out James 1:27 by helping the vulnerable in their time of need. Every encouraging word, every prepared meal, every attendee at an event, every written check, every card received, and every prayer on our family’s behalf has demonstrated true faith lived out.

We are so happy to have Tomas in our family. He is a joy and a delight. The road of adoption has not always been clear and easy, but God has remained faithful through it all. Thank you for helping us to bring our son home. Please know we are incredibly grateful. To God be the Glory!"

Love, The Carrete Family

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