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For just $25/month you can give the gift of Night to Shine to 10 moms and people with special needs.

One of the Greatest Gifts you can give a mom is the joy of seeing their child Loved, Celebrated & Valued.

“I wanted to express how Night to Shine really brought so much happiness, joy and excitement… not only to Katelyn, but our entire family! Leading up to the night, our family and friends all wanted to see the dress, they came to the nail salon and to the hair salon, all to celebrate Katelyn. She said she felt like a movie star during Night to Shine. The love and attention she received was incredible. She will never forget that night, nor will I!” —Nancy Inman, Katelyn’s mom


This Mother’s Day, Give Faith, Hope, & Love to

Mother’s All Around the World.

$25 per month donation will give the gift of Night to Shine to 10 moms and honored guests around the world every year.